Vesta’s Northeast Region Increases their Footprint with Commercial Clients

FLAGLER BEACH, FL (January 13, 2020) – Vesta’s Northeast region is excited to announce they were recently awarded new contracts with two commercial properties in Flagler county. Kings Point and City Center are two commercial associations in Palm Coast.



About Kings Point and City Center

Kings Point is a commercial Property Owners Association in a high-profile business district in Palm Coast. This beautifully developed landscaped commercial subdivision is just 100 yards from I-95 interchange with great drive by visibility and the added feature of a private frontage road.
City Center is a commercial  Condominium Association located in the exclusive Town Center district in Palm Coast. This three-story building is located withing Town Center’s urban core near the site set aside for a new City Hall.

About Vesta Property Services

Vesta Property Services provides full-service community association management, financing and ancillary services to developers of planned unit communities and resident association in connection with clubhouses, golf courses and other amenity and infrastructure facilities and commercial real estate management. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, Vesta’s fully staffed, local offices employ more than 1,300 associates providing a wide spectrum of services to more than 250,000 residents, tenants and unit owners.
