Playing It Safe On Halloween

With October 31 coming in just under a week, everyone is getting into the spirit of Halloween and preparing for a night of candy and children running about. From decorations to buying candy to making costumes, you’re sure to have a busy week ahead to get ready for the scariest night of the year. But it is also important to fit in time to talk to your family about being safe during Halloween. Not to worry though because we at Vesta have compiled a list of the safety measures you and your trick-or-treaters can use to make sure your Halloween is as safe as it is spooky.


1. Make sure the costume is safe

The first thing you can do is to make sure your child’s costume isn’t going to inadvertently injure them. Swords, knives and other costume accessories need to be short and flexible so that the child won’t get hurt if they fall on it. Since the children will be spending an entire evening in their costumes, it’s important to make sure that they fit properly. Costumes with hem dresses and pants can be a tripping hazard as well as poorly made shoes can cause blisters. So, make sure your child’s costume doesn’t go past their ankles and that they are wearing comfortable walking shoes.

Always try to use face paint and make up for a costume instead of a mask, if possible. Masks are often made with too small eye and breathing holes. If opting for face paint, the CDC recommends testing on a small area of the child’s face beforehand to check for an allergic reaction and washing off at the end of the night before bedtime.


2. Adult Supervision

While it is recommended that if your child is under 12 years old, a parent or other responsible adult should accompany them while they are out at night. But, older children will inevitable want to go out by themselves with their friends. At the end of the night, though, you know your child best. If you do agree to let your child go trick-or-treating without you make sure that they know what route to take that you are okay as well as what time they need to be home. Having preplanned times to call to check in is a good idea as well. Make sure the children know not to ever go inside someone’s house or car to get treats and to only approach houses with their porch light on.

If you are accompanying your child while they are trick-or-treating, make sure your child knows to stay with the group. You should also make sure everyone stays in a well-lit area. Always stay on the sidewalk if possible, but if you do have to walk on the road, stay at the edge of the road and walk facing traffic. It is also a good idea to verify that your children know to only cross the street in established crosswalks and never between parked cars. Don’t assume you and your child have the right of way, pedestrian accidents for children are at an all-time high during Halloween.


3. Safe Driving

Halloween is a chaotic night for everybody, especially drivers. It is best to try to avoid driving if at all possible on Halloween. But, if you have to drive, take particular care to drive much slower than normal. Children are extra excited during Halloween and may dart between cars and into the road without paying attention to if cars are coming.


4. Checking Candy

Though tampering with candy these days is a rare occurrence, you or another responsible adult should look through all the treats your child receives on or around Halloween to ensure it is safe for them to eat. Throw away any spoiled, unwrapped or home-baked treats.

silhouette of people shaking handsAnimated people at a table