Summer Safety Tips for Your HOA Community Pool

Summer is officially here, and your HOA community pool is the place to be. While swimming is a popular summer pastime, it can also present a number of risks for your HOA.

If your HOA has a community pool, be sure to take note of the following tips to keep your residents safe:

1. Hire a lifeguard.
If your HOA has it in the budget, hire a lifeguard to monitor the pool. Depending on how busy the pool is, multiple lifeguards may need to be hired and strategically stationed throughout the pool area. If you choose to forego a lifeguard, use signage to make it abundantly clear that parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their children at the pool.

2. Offer training to staff to keep residents safe.
Your lifeguards need to be certified in CPR, first aid, and emergency response. It’s also advantageous for your HOA community to offer courses to both staff and residents to ensure that everyone knows how to save a life.

3. Encourage swimming lessons.
Offer the ability for residents to learn to swim in your HOA community pool. Encouraging residents to learn to swim will help to reduce the risk of drownings.

4. Establish and enforce rules.
Establishing a set of safety rules such as no running, no diving, and always swimming with a buddy will help to minimize the risk of injuries and drownings. The rules should be displayed throughout the pool area and on your HOA website. Frequently referring to these rules and consistently enforcing them will teach residents proper pool safety.

5. Keep the pool secure.
The parameter of the pool must be secured by a fence that is at least four feet in height. The gate to the pool should be self-closing with a lock, and the gate must be locked when the pool is closed. This will help to prevent mischief and residents from swimming without a lifeguard present.

6. Ensure that you have appropriate safety equipment.
At the start of each pool season, confirm that you have the appropriate safety equipment in place, such as poles and life preservers. If the community pool is chlorine-based, make sure the pool maintains the correct chemical levels. Pool equipment should be routinely inspected to confirm that it’s working and creating a safe swimming environment.

Following these six pool safety tips will help your HOA to minimize swimming-related risks and ensure that everyone has fun at the pool this summer.

Our team at Vesta Property Services offers more than 20 years of experience of being Florida’s leading aquatics specialists for planned communities and clubs. We can help your HOA with a variety of swimming programs, staffing, and maintenance services to make your community pool a safer and more enjoyable place to be. Please contact us to learn how we can serve as a valuable partner to your HOA community.

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